
Write-up / Luna theHackersLabs.

SSTI exploitation.

Write-up / Luna theHackersLabs.

Download vulnerable target machine: Luna - thehackerslabs


Port Scan.

The first step is allways to run nmap and see which ports are opened in the target.

nmap -p- -Pn -sS --min-rate 5000 --open <IP> -oN scan.txt

img-description Ports scan.

nmap -p<PORTS> -sVC -Pn <IP> -oN versionScan.txt

img-descriptionOnce we know wich ports are opened we make an nmap version scan.

Ports 80 and 5000 are opened. We can see in the previous picture that the port 5000 is sending HTTP requests so let’s go to the browser.

Manual Enumeration.

We can see the next application. It is asking for our name but we can not write anything. img-description

The input is disabled, we can enable it. img-description

Our name is being sent back in a greeting. img-description


Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI).

You can find detailed information and a step-by-step explanation of the following attack at Github - SSTI.


After knowing how this application works I started trying different attacks.

I used whatweb to obtain more information and I saw that python 3.12.3 is being used so it’s time to try an STTI.


If the server executes the following operation instead of returning the same characters, it means we have STTI command execution.

img-description img-description




Reverse Shell.

This time I used pentestmonkey reverse-shell.

img-description Downloading the script.

img-description Downloading the script 2.

img-description Giving execution permissions to the script.

img-description Executing the script.

Finally, we obtain the reverse shell. img-description

Post Exploitation.

Lateral Movement 1.

mysql leaked credentials.

You can find detailed information and a step-by-step explanation of how to use mysql command line tool at Github - mysql Basics.

I found the file config.php where I obtained mysql credentials. img-description

Let’s try to use the credentials: img-description img-description img-description

In the following picture, we can see the password I retrieved but it’s encoded in base64. Let’s decode it and use it for the user juan.

img-description img-description img-description

Lateral Movement 2.

Su Brute Force.

You can find a step-by-step explanation of how to perform the next attack at pentesterArchive - suBruteForce PE.

In /home/juan we can see the first flag and a password list. Let’s try to brute force the other system users.

Sublime's custom image Sublime's custom image

img-description img-description Password obtained.


Privilege Escalation.

Docker Group Privilege Escalation.

You can find a step-by-step explanation of how to perform the next privilege escalation attack at pentesterArchive - docker group PE.

I ran a LinPEAS scan and found that we are part of the docker group, which means we can elevate our privileges and become root. img-description

docker run -it --rm -v /:/mnt alpine chroot /mnt bash

img-description img-description

We are root and we can read the root flag! img-description

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